
Monday, July 9, 2012

How a lake lau Kawar has create(narrative text)

It was a beatiful day .Everybody in the Kawar Village was very happy.The farmers had just had their best harvest .The villagers were planning to hold  a party to celebrate the good harvest .One one beatiful day ,all the villagers  gathered  in feld .They wore beatiful dresses and mode delicious food .Everybody was having good times ! They were sing,laughing and ,of course ,eating delicious food.
Did  everyone go to the party? Unfortunately, there was one old woman still staying at her house. She was too told and weak to go to the party. Her son, her daughter-in-law, and her grandchildren all went to the party. At home, the old woman felt very sad and lonely. She was very hungry too. She tried to find some food in the kitchen, but she was very disappointed. Her daughter-in-law did not cook that day. At the party, the son asked her wife, “Why don’t you take some food from the party and give it to my mum? Ask our son to deliver it.” Then the little boy brought the food to her grandmother. The old woman was so happy. But her happiness turned into sadness when she saw the food was not in a good condition. It seemed that someone had eaten food. She just got little rice and fish bones.
The old woman was very sad .She thought bad things about her son .The old woman did not know that it was he grandson who had eaten the food on the way form the party to house .She cursed her son .Then ,a terrible thing happend.there was  a great earthquake !Thunders stuck the heavy rain  started to fall.All the villagers were so scared .they wanted to save themeselves.they tried to find shelters.Slowly ,the feld turned into a lake .The  lake was getting bigger and bigger,and finally the whole village turned into a big lake .People then named the lau kawar.

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