
Monday, July 9, 2012

How Lake Toba Was create

How Lake Toba Was create (narrative text)
Once,a fisherman named batara guru sahala lived in the batak land .One day ,he caught a fish .He  was surprised to find that the fish caould talk .It begged sahala to set it free . He did accordingly.
As soon as the fish was free ,it changed into a woman .She was so beatiful that sahala  fell  in love at once .He asked her to  marry  him .The woman agreed to marry sahala .However ,she told him that he must never let out the secret that she  was once  a fish .Sahala promised that he would not tell anyone about it.
          They were happily married and had two daughters .Every morning Sahala went out  fishing.
One day .his daughters brought him his lunch .However ,instead of bringing the food to their  father ,the two girls ate it .when Sahala knew what they had done with the meal,he became  very angry .He shouted at them saying ,”You behaved exactly like the daughters of the fish! “
They did not know what their father meant .They went home and asked their mother about it .their mother was very upset.Although Sahala apologized to her ,she would not forgive him for breaking his promise .
          Then the earth began to shake ,and the volcano started to erupt .The earth cracked and formed a big hole .It is said the hole became lake Toba. 
 Narrative taxt

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